Fishing Association
This page provides all the details you need to know about the fishing association
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This page provides all the details you need to know about the fishing association
Last updated
You can access the fishing shop through the NPC "Edward." Each fish has a unique selling price based on its rarity. The shop uses a bucket system: if you don’t have a specific fish, its icon remains hidden. Once you have in your inventory any fish, its icon will appear, allowing you to click on it and sell it.
Each time you use the Sell All option with x5 fish, you'll receive an additional 0.1% multiplier as a bonus.
At Edward's Mariner Market, you’ll find a variety of useful items like bait to enhance your fishing experience, as well as unique items you can trade fish for, such as fishing rods and other special items.
Earn friendship XP by selling fish at Edward's shop. The XP you receive increases with the rarity of the fish sold.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
In the Friendship Rewards, you can claim exclusive rewards by reaching specific friendship levels with Edward.
Level 1
Jellyfish Tentacle Bait Recipe
Level 2
Fishing Compass Recipe
Level 3
Fish Name Tag
Level 4
Shift Click to sell all fish in shop
Level 5
Sell Multiplier x2.0 for each fish