Island Upgrades
This page contains all the information you need about the island upgrades.
Last updated
This page contains all the information you need about the island upgrades.
Last updated
With island upgrades, you can enhance your island and unlock new possibilities. Upgrades require a certain island level and a specific amount of souls in the island's bank. You can access them from /island upgrades.
The border size upgrade is the only upgrade that is unlocked by completing island quests.
This upgrade will increase the max amount of placed hoppers in your island.
This upgrade will increase the growth of crops in your island.
This upgrade will increase the speed of spawners in your island.
This upgrade will increase the amount of loop dropped by mobs in your island.
This upgrade will increase the max amount of placed spawners in your island.
This is also the only upgrade that is also accessible on our in-game store.
This upgrade will increase the max amount of team members in your island.